Happy New Year
As we say Goodbye to 2017 and welcoming 2018.I’m grateful for the strength, love, mercy and some much more that I have reserved this past year. we made it by the grace of God. I don't have any New Year’s resolutions to make the only thing I have are Prayers. Friends let us all take a moment in our life today to be grateful and to jot down a couple of prayers we want in the new year. I want to fill this page with all the tiny little wants for 2018. Here are some small changes that I would like to make in the hopes it will make a big difference in my everyday life.
- Happiness –finding and doing things that make me more happy (ex: music, flowers, laughter and family)
- Be more social able – take time to spend time with my friends and family more. (EX: get together, dinner party or a game night with friends)
- Dance more
- Get out of my comfort zone - once a month plan something I would never do or making time for things instead of Excuses. (ex: A small road trip somewhere)
- Volunteer- give my time at church (spend more time at church doing God’s work)
- Buy myself more flowers (do more flower arrangements )
- Learning a new skills (ex: calligraphy, Photoshop or boxing)
- Stay cooking again
- Sew more
- Find things that inspired and bring out more of my creative
- Read more
- Be in the moment
I prayer for Joy, love and Happiness in your life. Happy New Year Friends!!!