Winter Berry
I love shopping and if I can shop every day on every hour I would. Lately I have been thinking a lot of how wasteful I’m with my money and the environment. Don’t get me wrong I’m not going to stop shopping or try to be the woman with a capsule wardrobe (I’m jealous of people who can do it). What I would love to do is be more aware of how I spend my money and also be able to use what I have to make it look new again.
Questions I’m going to ask myself before I add or buy something new in my closet: What do I need? Can I get the item Pre-owned/vintage? How can I be more loving and less damaging to the environment?
Saying, all that to say this challenge is going to be fun. To jump start this challenge I came up with this winter berry look that I love.
It all started with the dress as my base; the dress color combination is simple but lovely. To add some shape and interest to the look I paired it with a light skirt to bring everything together I added my wool coat.