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Alba Botanica Good& Clean Pore Purifying mini Peel Review

Alba Botanica [

As I have stated in my previous post Here  about my skin concerns. with my Acne gone I'm left with some scars that I want to heal. I know it's going to take some time for the scars to go away. My goal for 2015 is find products that will help me with the acne scars. I have been in the market for a good face mask that I can use once a week on top of my once a month facials. A couple of weeks ago I was in Sprouts and one of the lady at the beauty counter suggested that I give Alba Botanica mini peel ago.I was very excited to get home and use my new product.

My Skin: oily  and very sensitive.

What it:Alba Botanica Good& Clean fruit acid Detox Fusion Pore Purifying mini Peel ( oil free)

Suggested Usage:

Start with a freshly washed face, then apply a generous layer of the product to  your face and Neck.

Leave it on for 1 to 5 minutes ( you  will feel  some tingle).rinse your face and Neck thoroughly.

Finish with a moisturize with SPF.

Recommended to start with twice per week and you can build up frequency or length of application.


Eliminate dull surface cell {saw some improvement on the first day}

Dissolves Stubborn Pollution and release Embedded toxin in minutes. {no way to test this claim for me}

Skin looks bright, smooth, and completely Revitalized. {my skin was bright, and a little smooth the first day, but things went down hill from there.}

My Results:

Day 1: Washed my face with a cleanser that I love, then I applied a thick layer of the product on my face and neck and left it for minute and half. They said you might feel some tingles, which I didn't not feel. Rinsed the product very well and followed up with my moisturizer that has SPF 30.

The following day my skin felt smoother than previously. I noticed that some of the black and white heads that a had on my chin where drying up. I was very excited. The texture of my skin looked improved, a little bright. I didn't notice any dryness. I waited four days before using the product again.

Day 2: I did everything from day one but this time I left the product on my face for the maxim of five minutes as suggested. This time I did feel some tingle but it was not bad,  Once I rinsed the product off I was good.

While applied my moisturizer I notice some minor redness on my left cheek but I  thought nothing of it. a couple of minutes later I started feeling some irritation on both my cheeks and I could stop wanting to scratch my face off. I also started feeling like one of those big painful pimples are coming up. I washed my face a second time  immediately and that helped a little.

The following morning I got up and I had two big painful bumps on both cheeks. On top of everything else my skin looked  very ashy, dry and not as bright as the first time. After the second time using this product I noticed a lot of new very red pimples on each cheek.

I have been very scared to try this product a third time. Before all this happened I was going to record my progress  in picture and hope for better results in the end.after it started breaking me out and irritating my skin I'm going to take a break from using it. Remember different skincare products reacts differently to different skin types. mine just didn't like this product...

Addition Information: 

The other thing I could recommend for future skincare product is got to: Skin Deep to check for the safety, the ingredients, hazards, testing availability, and regulatory status of the product you are putting on your face. Skin Deep scores the product on how hazards for your health and your skin based on the ingredients used in the product. They have a scoring system.  0 been less hazards {good} up to a score of 8 very hazards {bad}.This Alba Botanica mask scored a 4 which is really bad to me.  To read more about the hazards and health concerns click the link.  Alba Botanica Pore Mini Peel .

I will update this post if I end reusing this  product. If you have used this product before I would like to hear about your results.

Happy New Year!!!